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COVID-19 is a pandemic that has hit the world. It is a large family of viruses that are known to cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. Coronavirus is zoonotic in nature and transmits between animals and people. Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, the infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death.

Standard Operating Procedure for control of Covid -19 is social distancing, regular hand washing, wearing of mask, and avoiding crowded places and people showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing.


Covid 19 has affected and can affect different people in different ways ranging from mild to moderate and severe illness. Many people experience a mild or asymptomatic coronavirus infection; some people will have far more serious and even life-threatening symptoms and complications.

Most common symptoms:

    • Fever

    • Cough

    • Tiredness

    • Loss of taste or smell

Serious symptoms:

    • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

    • Loss of speech or mobility, or confusion

    • Chest pain

Patients with mild symptoms who are healthy enough could manage/overcome Covid 19 at home.  Patients with moderate symptoms which are very common and normally last for about 7-14 days require proper medical treatment and monitoring to avoid prolongation and seriousness of the Covid 19. Patients with serious symptoms need immediate hospitalization to ensure supplemental oxygen and close /monitored medication under close supervision of a qualified doctor at a designated hospital.

Precautionary Measures

Prevention is better than cure as it protects an individual from many sufferings of treatment such as financial hardship, hospitalization, weaknesses, etc. In the case of Covid -19 if following precautionary measures are undertaken and followed would enable an individual to avoid Covid 19 to a greater extent. These measures are as under:

  • Wearing face mask in closed and crowded places besides covering cough and sneezes with tissues.
  • Avoid crowded. One can lower the risk of infection by having less contact with other people. Avoid public spaces and unnecessary social gatherings.

  • Hand Hygiene: washing hands often with soaps or using hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.

  • Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness

  • Stay at least 3-4 meters away from people outside your home when you are infected with COVID-19

  • Vaccinate yourself. The government of Pakistan is offering free vaccination in many medical facilities. You can reach out to the nearest Government hospital in your district, and you will be offered free vaccination.

Services offered by Local Government and Other Departments

Local government, Elections, and Rural Development Department (LGE&RDD) have played a prominent role during the COVID-19. Some of the key services offered by the department in the 25 tehsils of the 7 Merged Districts are as under:

    • Disinfection sprays were carried out in hospitals, schools, mosques, markets, and major public places to avoid public contraction with the COVID-19 virus.
    • Masks, Soaps, and Sanitizers were distributed among the public. Specific awareness related to the utilization of masks, soaps, and sanitizers during COVID-19 was provided to the public.
    • Awareness-raising campaigns were conducted in all 7 Merged Districts. The local Ambassadors Programme was made focused on the COVID-19 that played a significant role in the sensitization of the public about COVID-19. Village to Village awareness-raising sessions was conducted, and announcements were made in the mosques and through speakers for a wider outreach in the community.
    • Mass Vaccination Centers were established with the support of the other government departments. These centers offered free vaccination in all 7 Merged Districts.
    • COVID-19 specific wards were established at the district level that was dedicated to COVID-19 patients.
    • Quarantine centers were established at the district level that provided a safe zone for the infections of the COVID-19.
    • Water buckets were installed in major public places that offered a facility for the public to wash their hands.
    • Cleanliness and hygiene drive were conducted.

Role of Community in Catastrophes

The community role is vital in every catastrophe. As humans we are closely bonded to each other that’s why catastrophes like COVID-19 affected all of us physically, mentally, and socially that have wider consequences. Such consequences can only be reduced if we act responsibly. As a citizen of the country, it is our responsibility to play our role and offer our support to the intervention of the government. In pandemics like COVID-19 and others, we shall believe in the directions provided by the government and offer support and shall not spread rumors or misinformation to prevent the damage that is caused by the pandemics/autotrophic.

Impacts of COVID on Mental Health

COVID-19 Impacts on Mental Health:

Covid -19 had several impacts on people with new realities of life such as:

    • Working from home,

    • temporary unemployment,

    • home-schooling of children,

    • and lack of physical contact with other family members, friends, and colleagues.

Adapting to these new lifestyle changes and managing the fear of contracting the virus are serious challenges to be dealt with. They can be particularly difficult for people with mental health conditions. Fortunately, there are lots of things that can be done to keep our mental health fit and even help other who needs special support to be out of such mental health issues which is normal in such like situation. 

What kind of Psychosocial Support is available or can be available: 

Following psychosocial support can be provided to people who need support due to covid-19 infections:

    • Safety first: Make sure that person who is providing psychosocial support himself is safe from the patient and others from any harm. If one feels unsafe, leave, and get help from a colleague or call emergency service to avoid any untoward situation. Take preventative measures against COVID-19 infection (e.g., physical distancing). Do NOT put yourself at risk.

    • Let the patient and his /her family know who you are: Introduce yourself respectfully – your name and your role and that you are there to help. Ask them for their name so that you can address them, and the patient is comfortable.

    • Keep calm: Don’t shout at the patient or physically restrain him/her.

    • Listen: Use your communication skills; do not pressure the person to talk. Be patient and reassure them that you are there to help and to listen.

Offer practical comfort and information: offer the person a quiet place to talk, some drink or a blanket. These gestures of comfort will help the patient feel safe. Ask about his/her needs and support required to begin with.

    • Help patient to regain control:

    • If the person/patient is anxious, support him/her to breathe slowly.

    • If the person is out of touch, ask about his /her availability with a request to keep an eye on his /her movement and immediate environment

    • Help them to use their own good coping strategies and to reach out to supportive people in their lives.

Provide clear information: to help the person understands the situation and what help is available. Make sure that you use words they can understand (not complicated words). Keep the message simple and repeat it or write it down if needed. Ask them if they understand or have any questions.

Stay with the person: Try not to leave the person alone. If you can’t stay with them, find a safe person (a colleague, a friend or a relative) to be with patients until you find help, or they feel calmer.

Refer the patient to specialized support: If it is felt that patient needs more care and doctor advice, it is better to inform the patient or his/her relative for proper treatment from a qualified mental health professional to avoid compilation.
