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Merged Areas

Introduction of Merged Areas

The Merged Areas comprises of seven tribal districts. These are Bajaur, Mohmand, Khyber, Orakzai, Kurram, North and South Waziristan. The six Tribal subdivisions are Hassan Khel, Dara Adam Khel, Wazir, Bettani, Drazanda, and Jandola.

New system after the Merger

The change in the administrative system was made in pursuance of the 25th amendment in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973. All laws are now applicable in the Merged Areas. The merger started with a re-designation of political agents, additional political agents and assistant political agents as deputy commissioners, additional deputy commissioners, and assistant commissioners, respectively, who have been empowered as district collectors, sub-divisional and tehsil collectors.

The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Pakistan and the Peshawar High Court Peshawar had since been extended to Merged Areas with formal establishment of judicial structure entailing posting of District and Session Judges and Civil Courts and Session Courts for the dispensation of criminal and civil cases as per normal laws of government of Pakistan in the Merged Areas.

After the merger, there is no difference between legal, administrative, and political system in vogue in Merged Areas of KP and the rest of Pakistan now.

Role of Public in the New System

The role of public in the new system established in the Merged Areas is of paramount importance and incomplete without their proactive participation especially for strengthening the new system extended on solid footing. Service provision arrangements are always linked to various forms of community participation for improving the outcomes. Other aspect of community participation is public sector accountability at local, regional, and national levels.

Public participation in election means to take part in election both in general as well as local bodies’ elections.  This is an opportunity to be part of decision making and development planning process of your areas. Effective elections ensure improvement in services delivery through distribution of resources in a transparent manner. Elected representatives monitor the development schemes and keep a regular check on the implementation.

Another very important role of public is the participation through civil society forums such as Community Based Organization, and Civil Society Organizations for a greater role to help government departments in achieving development outcomes and objectives.

Public can also participate during awareness raising campaigns for public sensitization in case of emergencies like floods, earthquake, dengue and Covid pandemics.

Local Government System

What is Local Government 
Local government is protected by the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973. Each province has its own local-government-system from time to time and implementation framework.

Local Government is the third tier of a government created in line with constitutional provision of Pakistan and gives the population at the grass-root level a sense of involvement and ownership in the political processes that control their daily lives. 

Constitution/Composition of Local Government 

Under the new Local Government system, two tiers system would be in place, one at Tehsil and other at VC/NC level. The mode of election for Mayor and Chairman of Tehsil/City Local Government would be directly elected in each Tehsil as a single constituency. Chairman of each VC/NC would be a member of respective Tehsil/City Council. In Peshawar, City Local Government will be called Capital City Metropolitan Local Government. As per Local Government act 2013, all 7 divisional Headquarters in KP will have City Local Government instead of Tehsil Local Government with few additional responsibilities.  

In each VC/NC there would be seven members directly elected from free list of candidates in party-based elections held based on adult franchise and joint electorate. Election of the Chairman VC/NC will be out of three General members whosever score highest number of votes will become Chairman. Each VC/NC would comprise of three general members, one women member, one youth, one peasant worker and one minority member, where minorities are registered as voters in the respective VC/NC. In case all General members are elected unopposed in VC/NC, then election for chairman out of General members will be held amongst all members of respective VC/NC, in a prescribed manner. 

Key aspects of Local Government  
Local Government is established for carrying out developmental activities at local level and provision of basic civic amenities to the citizens through an elected system operated at local level as per mandated functions in the Local Government Act 2013. For any effective Local Government sufficient autonomy in political, administrative, and financial matters is must and sine- quo- non for its existence. 

  • Approving byelaws for performance of functions devolved to respective local governments
  • Approving and levying local taxes
  • Developing and approving long and short-term development plans for the local areas 
  • Enforce municipal laws.
  • Prepare budgets and collect taxes, fines and penalties provided under the law.
  • Local Councils are also responsible for providing municipal services and maintaining infrastructure and civic amenities, implementing development plans in the social sector and for performing regulatory functions.

Tehsil Local Government

What is Tehsil Local Government

In every tehsil of a district there shall be a Tehsil Local Government which shall consist of the Chairman and Tehsil Local Administration.

  • The Chairman Tehsil Local Government shall be directly elected on party-based elections, held based on adult franchise and joint electorate, within the whole of tehsil as single constituency for this purpose.

  • The Executive Authority of Tehsil Local Government shall vest in Chairman Tehsil Local Government, and he/she shall be responsible to ensure that the business of Tehsil Local Government is carried out in accordance with the provisions of this Act and other laws for the time being in force.

  • In performance of his/her functions, the Chairman Tehsil Local Government shall be assisted by Tehsil Local Administration including all devolved offices of tehsil as per the law.

  • For urban centers of the district, Government shall notify City Local Governments, to be established at each Divisional Headquarters.

  • Provided that the Government may notify any other contiguous group of Neighbourhood as City Local Government for the purposes of Local Government Act 2013.

Functions and Powers of Tehsil Council  

  • Approve taxes, fines and penalties proposed by Chairman, Tehsil Local Government

  • Approve byelaws for delivery of services devolved to Tehsil Local Government

  • Approve annual budget and appropriations for Tehsil Local Government

  • Approve long and short-term development plans proposed by Chairman, Tehsil Local Government

  • Elect Standing Committees of tehsil council for municipal offices and tehsil-based offices and sub-offices of devolved functions to oversee matters and service delivery obligations assigned to these offices and report to the tehsil council their findings on efficiency, responsiveness, service delivery standards and performance of the respective offices for review

  • Elect Finance Committee of the tehsil council for examination of tax and budget proposals

  • Elect Tehsil Accounts Committee to scrutinize the accounts showing appropriations of sums granted in the budget for expenditure of Tehsil Local Government, audit reports, statement of income and expenditure and such other matters as the Chairman, Tehsil Local Government may refer to it

  • Elect a Committee on Conduct of Business to consider matters regarding procedure and smooth conduct of business in the Tehsil Council

  • Elect a Code of Conduct Committee to oversee the observance of code of ethics by the members

  • Review the reports and recommendations of Tehsil Accounts Committee

  • Review the performance reports presented by the Chairman, Tehsil Local Government.

  • Elect one of the members of the Tehsil Council to preside over the meetings of the Tehsil Council and during temporary absences of the Chairman, deputize him as Chairman

  • Nothing can preclude the powers of the Provincial Government to develop, approve and implement any scheme or project for the City Local Government.

Functions of City Local Council

  • Review implementation reports regarding functions of the City Local Government

  • Approve proposal related to municipal services as defined in clause (r) of section 2 of the Act

  • Accord approval of such macro municipal plans as may be notified by City Local Government

  • Approve plans for sewerage tertiary and secondary network, treatment plants, storm water drainage network and disposal

  • Approve plans relating to flood control protection and rapid response contingency plans

  • Approval of plans parks, playgrounds, sporting, and other recreational facilities

  • Establish art galleries, libraries and community centers and their improvement and protection

  • Approve plans for landscape, monuments, and municipal ornamentation

  • Approve plans for Urban improvement, upgrading, renewal and redevelopment, with due carte to preserve historical and cultural monuments

  • Approve plans for regional markets and city-wide commercial centers in accordance with relevant laws, rules and byelaws for time being enforced

  • Nothing can preclude the powers of the Provincial Government to develop, approve and implement any scheme or project for the City Local Government

Functions and Powers of the Chairman/Mayor Tehsil Local Government

  • Provide vision for tehsil-wide development, leadership, and direction for efficient functioning of Tehsil Local Government.

  • Formulate strategies and time frame for accomplishment of goals regarding infrastructure development and improvement in delivery of services, approved by tehsil council.

  • Coordinate, where required with District Administration for district wide development and delivery of services.

  • Ensure implementation of devolved functions and maintain administrative and financial discipline.

  • Oversee formulation and execution of Tehsil Annual Development Programme including improvement of municipal services and infrastructure.

  • Present budget proposals to tehsil council for approval.

  • Present to tehsil council bi-annual reports on the performance of offices of Tehsil Local Government.

  • Call for quarterly reports from developed departments in the tehsil and to present them to tehsil council and forward them to District Administration and the relevant provincial departments along with recommendations of tehsil council.

  • Regulate markets and services including cattle fairs and cattle markets, issue licenses, permits, grant permission and impose penalties for violation thereof through the Tehsil Local Administration.

  • Authorize officers to issue notice, prosecute, sue, and follow up criminal, civil cases, and recovery proceedings against violators of municipal laws.

  • Co-ordinate and support municipal functions amongst village and neighbourhood councils in the tehsil and initiate their inspections

  • Issue orders to officers in-charge of developed departments for discharging of their functions

  • Recommend disciplinary action against functionaries in the Tehsil Local Administration under efficiency and discipline rules applicable to the employees in tehsil local administration

  • Represent Tehsil Local Government on civic and ceremonial occasions

  • Perform any other function assigned by the Government or any other departments

  • The Chairman shall personally be responsible for loss causing from decisions made by him or under his directions in violation of any provision of the Act or any other law for the time being in force and for any expenditure incurred without lawful authority

The below functions including the above-mentioned are specifically for the mayor:

  • Review implementation of rules and byelaws governing Municipal roads, traffic, tax, infrastructure, and public utilities (not contravening, the Provincial Government development policy).

  • Approve proposals related to municipal services as defined in section 2 (r) of the Act

  • Approval of macro municipal plans and projects as may be notified by City Local Government

  • Approval of tertiary and secondary sewerage network and treatment plants

  • Management of storm water drainage network and its disposal

  • Devise control measure for flood protection and prepare rapid response contingency plans

  • Propose and approve measures for industrial and hospital hazardous and toxic waste treatment and disposal

  • Enforce environmental control, including control of air, water, and soil pollution in accordance with federal and provincial laws and standards

  • Establish parks, playgrounds, sporting, and other recreational facilities

  • Setup art galleries, libraries, and community centers

  • Approve plans for landscape, monuments, and municipal ornamentation

  • Take steps for urban improvement, upgrading, renewal and redevelopment, with due care to preserve historical and cultural monuments

  • Establish regional markets and city-wide commercial centers in accordance with relevant laws, rules and by-laws for the time being in force

  • The mayor shall be personally responsible for loss causing from decision made by him or under his directions in violation of any provision of the Act or any other law for the time being in force and for any expenditure incurred without lawful authority


Village Councils/Neighbourhood Councils (VC/NCs)

Village Council /Neighbourhood Council:

Village Council/Neighbourhood Council is the lowest tier of Local Government with different mandate and functions as assigned by Local Government Act 2013. A Village Council is the area with rural characteristics whereas Neighbourhood Council is the area with urban features.

Composition of the Village Council/Neighbourhood Council:

Village Council and Neighbourhood Council consists of:

  • Three general members. Women can also participate.
  • One woman member.
  • One youth member.
  • One peasant/farmer member.
  • One minority member in councils where minorities are registered as voters.

Functions of Village/Neighbourhood Councils:

  • Implement and monitor village level development works.
  • Carry out village level sanitation and conservancy functions in village councils only.
  • Identify development needs of the area for use by Tehsil Local Government in prioritizing development plans for the tehsil.
  • Register births, deaths, marriages, and divorces.
  • Consider and approve annual budget, including scheme-wise annual development programme and provision for other functions performed by the local council.
  • Organize and sponsor village and neighborhood level sports and cultural events.
  • Organize village level cattle fair and shows in its area.
  • Elect an Accounts Committee and review its recommendations on the annual statement of accounts and audit reports.
  • Monitor the performance of service providers including education, health, agriculture, water and sanitation and revenue through a Monitoring Committee constituted by it. The Monitoring Committee shall send its report to the respective Chairman, Tehsil Local Government for consideration and action through the respective Assistant Director, Local Government and Rural Development.
  • Organize watch and ward in the area including protection from stray animals and animal trespass.
  • Collect, prepare, maintain, and update basic data on social indicators.
  • Facilitate Tehsil Local Government in performance of its functions; and
  • Perform any other task assigned by Government or Tehsil Local Government.
  • The respective Village Council or Neighborhood Council shall assist Tehsil Local Government in conducting surveys, collecting socio-economic data, and selecting sites for municipal and social facilities and services.
  • Assistant Director Local Government is responsible for coordinating matters relating to secretarial functions of village and neighborhood councils in the district.

Functions and Responsibility of Chairman VC/NC


Functions and responsibilities of Chairman VC/NC: 

  • Provide leadership for council-wide development and preparation of budget.

  • Presentation of the Annual Budget for the approval of the Village Council/Neighbourhood Council.

  • Organize management of municipal infrastructure within the area of respective Village Council or Neighbourhood Council.

  • Chair panels of members constituted for amicable settlement of disputes.

  • Report to District Administration and Tehsil Local Government.

    • Encroachment on state and local government property.

    • Violation of land use plans, building codes, rules, and byelaws.

    • Sale and trade of dangerous and offensive articles.

    • Adulteration of articles of food; and

    • Breach of public water courses within the area of the village council or Neighbourhood council

  • Prepare and send quarterly reports on the performance of offices located in the area

  • Call for any case or information from the Secretary or as the case may be, functionary of the respective council

  • Oversee the grant licenses to Marriage Registrar, as prescribed under clause (a) of rule 4 of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Births, Deaths, Marriages and Divorce or Dissolution of Marriages (Registration and Certification) rule, 2021

  • The Chairman shall be approving authority of operational expenditure within the prescribed sphere of responsibility and the Tehsil Supervisor of local government developmental expenditures, sanction shall be obtained from the Principal Accounting Officer concerned before incurring the expenditure

  • The Chairman shall be personally responsible for loss causing from decision made by him or under his directions in violation of any provisions of the Act or any other law for the time being in force and for any expenditure incurred without lawful authority

Role of Public in VC/NC:

The role of public in Village Council/Neighbourhood Council is most effective at the time of local bodies’ election. They participate in different events and firs arranged by VC/NC for cleanliness and hygiene education and takes part in the community awareness about birth and death registration process.

VC/NC Secretary and Functions of the VC/NC Secretary

VC/NC Secretaries and its functions:

Secretary Village Council/ Neighborhood Council is a government official at the VC/NC level whose main role is to provide secretarial support to council and Chairman VC/NC.

​​​​​​​ Functions of VC/NC Secretary:

  • Assist the Chairman in coordinating the activities of the council

  • Assist the Chairman and council to supervise and oversee the implementation of development schemes

  • Prepare periodical reports including reports on implementation of developmental schemes for presentation in the council after approval of the Chairman

  • Provide information required by the council for the performance of their functions

  • Provide information and data required to the tehsil local government, district administration and Local Government Commission through concerned Assistant Director after approval of the Chairman

  • Act as the focal person for the council

  • Ensure that the business of the council is carried out in accordance with the Act, rules and byelaws made thereunder

  • Assist the Chairman in preparation of reports on the performance of offices within the limits of the council

  • Assist the Chairman in formulation of policy for the council and bring the important cases in his notice, submit all proposals for taxation, along with the supporting rules and byelaws to the council through the Chairman; subject to the condition that the taxation proposals shall be processed as per standard procedure provided in the local government taxation rules for the time being in force

  • Assist the Chairman in the proper conduct of the business of the council

  • Ensure proper record keeping of all the business of the council

  • Assist the Chairman in making arrangements for the amicable settlement of disputes

  • Ensure registration and certification of vital events. i.e., birth, death, marriage, and divorce, as prescribed under the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Births, Deaths, Marriages and Divorce or Dissolution of Marriages (Registration and Certification) Rules, 2021

  • Ensure formulation of profile of the respective council in consultation with all relevant stakeholders, to annually update the same and display with the approval of the respective council

Registration and Issuance of Birth Certificates

When a child is born it is his /her basic human rights to give him/her proper name and his /her name should also be registered in official register at Village Council/Neighbourhood Council. Once the birth is reported to the Village Council/Neighbourhood Council’s Secretary, formal certificate is issued in the name of respective child? It is the responsibility of parents to submit formal application to the Secretary Village Council/Neighbourhood Council in their respective areas of the birth of newborn child.  The time for submission of application is from the date of birth up to 90 days but in case of unavoidable circumstances, even submission of application is entertained by Village Council/Neighbourhood Council after some formalities. After the submission of the application with all required documents, birth certificate shall be issued by the Secretary Village Council and Neighbourhood Council.

Registration and Issuance of Death Certificates

If a person dies, it is binding upon his /her relative to report the death in the respective Village Council/Neighbourhood Council by filling a proper form available at the office of Secretary Village Council/Neighbourhood Council. The form should be supported by a certificate from doctor or Ghurkan along with his/her photocopy of NIC so that proper death certificate is issued after registering the details in the death register maintain at Village Council/Neighbourhood Council level. Time duration for registration of death in Village Council/Neighbourhood Council is 0-90 days and Secretary of the Village Council/Neighbourhood Council is competent to issue such certificate within two days of the report. In case of delay in submission more than 90 days, Chairman of Village Council/Neighbourhood Council is competent to condone the time and issue death certificate within seven days of the submission of the application form.

Registration of Marriage

Applicant when get married is bound to apply in respective Village Council/Neighbourhood Council within 30 days of the marriage. The application should be supported by valid NIC, and form filled by Nikah Registrar /designated Qari in the area in the presence of two witnesses from both sides i.e., Bride and Bridegroom. Nikah certificate is issued free of cost. In case the marriage is held outside the jurisdiction of the Village Council/Neighbourhood Council, certain documents such as stamp paper etc. must be submitted to the Chairman for issuance of certificate. In case of any difficulty, the matter can be reported to the respective Assistant Director of LG in the district for immediate necessary action being authorized officer of VC/NC Secretaries in the district. The marriage certificate be issued within three working days after the submission of application along with all required documents.

Registration and Issuance of Divorce Certificates

The applicant shall get the divorce registered in the respective Village Council/Neighbourhood Council within 30 days of the divorce. The applicant shall obtain a form for the purpose from the Secretary Village Council/Neighbourhood Council for filling in by Nikah registrar in his register and subsequent submission in the office of Secretary Village Council/Neighbourhood Council for issuance of formal divorce certificate. All this above information after necessary documentation at Village Council/Neighbourhood Council office shall be fed in, into the NADRA office for updating the record at national level.

Summary of the Services Offered by Local Government Department

Local Government department is providing essential services to the communities at Village Council/Neighbourhood Council and tehsil level. Services provided by Village Council/Neighbourhood Council and Tehsil level are as under:

  1. Registration (birth, death, marriage, divorce): Birth, death, marriage, divorce certificate is most importance provided by Village Council/Neighbourhood Council. Just by visiting respective VC/NC can get this certificate after fulfillment of basic criteria laid out by Village Council/Neighbourhood Council.

  2. Approval building plan is the mandate of Tehsil which is given by Tehsil Municipal Administration after submission of building plan and other relevant documents.

  3. Sanitation services: Collection and removal of solid waste from respective jurisdiction both Village Council/ and Municipal administration. 

  4. Provision of drinking water to their residents.

  5. Installation and maintenance of streetlights.

  6. Operation and maintenance of cattle fare by Municipal administration.

  7. Promotion of sports and culture events.

Approval of Building Plans

Any new or rehabilitation of construction within the limit of Tehsil Municipal Administration warrant formal approval of building plan (new or Rehab) from TMA concerned primarily to ensure proper building structure, car parking and provision of other amenities such as Masjid, washrooms, proper ventilation and emergency exit, drainage etc. in respective building. This way provision of basic services is ensured to all residents in better way. Public should get their building plan approve from respective Tehsil Municipal Administrations which on the one hand ensure proper structure of building as per approved criteria along with provision of basic services in addition to durability and beautification of concerned areas.  

The timeline for the approval for the commercial building plans is 30 days while for the residential building plans is 15 days. Details about the Model Building Bylaws 2017 are available on the Local Government Website.

Sanitation Services

Collection and removal of solid waste from respective jurisdictions of both VC/NC and Tehsil Municipal Administration are done by respective TMAs. In Village Council the collection of solid waste is done by staff of the Village Council. TMA staff collects that solid waste for proper disposal at designated dump site of TMA. In Neighbourhood Council, the solid waste is collected by the sanitary staff of concerned TMA to be disposed of at proper dump collection point.  

In either case it the primary responsibility of communities to dump solid waste at specific point and specific time for onward disposal by respective staff of TMA. Without their proactive role, proper cleanliness and collection of solid waste is next to impossible for the staff of VC/NC and TMAs.

The provision of sanitation services is subject to the availability of resources with the department.

Provision of Drinking Water

Drinking water is that water which is fit for human consumption. This is the main responsibility of TMA and Public Health Engineering (PHE) Department to provide potable water to all residents, however resident should make sure that they get a proper connection from TMA and PHE Department’s pipeline after following laid down procedure for water connection and make regular payment for the water rate which is very nominal as compared to cost borne by the TMA in the maintenance of water supply system. The rate charge by TMA is flat rate. Since water is a precious resource and as evident from water table that it is going down day by day should be judiciously used by the consumer to avoid waste of this precious resources on which future communities too have equal rights.

The provision of drinking waters is subject to the availability of resources with the departments. Please visit the office for detailed procedures about the provision of drinking water.


VC/NC and TMAs provide installation of streetlights to their respective residents for safety and security. Any resident in respective area may submit formal application to Village Council/Neighbourhood Council or TMA for installation of streetlight or replacement of bulb or electricity pole as required. In case of any theft or accident, the matter should be immediately reported to respective Village Council/Neighbourhood Council or TMA for punitive action against the culprits.

The provision of streetlights is subject to the availability of resources with the department.

Cattle Fair

TMA set up cattle fare at point in its jurisdiction keeping in view requirement of sufficient space for keeping animal and car parking to avoid congestion and of traffic. People who bring their cattle for selling or buying pay a nominal fee against which all these facilities are provided in addition to proper security and transparent transaction of animal. More often cattle fares are set up outside congested areas with sufficient space both for parking and housing of animal for sale and purchase.

The provision of streetlights is subject to the availability of the resources with the department

Promotion of Sports and Culture Events

Promotion of sports and culture events are other important functions performed by TMAs. This promotes spirit of sportsmanship in addition to providing healthy environment to residents by establishing sport stadium, playgrounds, and their regular maintenance. Sports kit and other incentives by organizing local matches and holding of competition are also provided to players which do have a very solid effect on the young people of the area involving in healthy sport competition.

Youth of the area can approach their respective Village Council/Neighbourhood Council and TMAs for the establishment of sport and playground and their proper maintenance besides support in organizing for different sports events which help residents in adopting healthy and sport related activities in their respective areas encouraging the element of healthy competition and sportsmanship.   

The provision of sports and cultural events/opportunities is subject to the availability of resources with the department.

Local Government Commission

Composition of the Local Government Commission:

  1. Minister Local Government Elections & Rural Development Department as Chairman

  2. Two members one nominated by the Chief Minister and one by the opposition leader of the Provincial Assembly.

  3. Two eminent and qualified and experienced technocrats including one woman selected by the Government for the period of 3 years

  4. Secretary Law

  5. Secretary Local Government Elections & Rural Development Department

  6. Representative of the Finance Department for matters relating to the budget of the Local Government department.

Functions of the Local Government Commission

  1. Local Government Commission will make recommendations to:

  2. Conduct annual inspections of local governments and submit reports to the Government.

  3. Commission a third-party performance and financial audit of all or any local government where it feels it necessary and in public interest.

  4. Conduct, on its own initiative, or whenever, so directed by the Chief Minister or, a reference is made by the Department, an inquiry by itself or through any officer of the Provincial Government into any matter concerning a local government.

  5. Resolve disputes between local governments.

  6. Submit to the Chief Minister an annual report on the over-all performance of local governments.

  7. Take cognizance of violations of laws and rules by a local government

  8. LGC shall have the same power as are vested in a civil court as under the code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Act V of 1908) in respective of following matters:

    • Summoning and enforcing attendance of any person and examining him on oath

    • Compelling production of documents

    • Receiving evidence on affidavits

    • Issuing commission for the examination of witnesses

Provincial Finance Commission

For distribution of public resources amongst Local Government in KP’s Local Government Act 2013 has a mechanism known as PFC. The Finance Commission is headed by Minister Finance and Co-Chaired by Minister LG. The Commission comprises of two members of Provincial Assembly- one nominated by the Chief Minister and one by the opposition leader of the Provincial Assembly, Secretary Finance, P&D, Law and LG and five chairman/tehsil local government Mayor/City local government one elected from each zone the province.

Key Functions of PFC: 

PFC shall make following recommendations to the Government on:

  1. Amount of grant for LG out of proceeds of provincial consolidated fund, in addition to octroi and Zilla Tax.
  2. Formula for distribution of grants among LG, determined based on population.
  3. amount of special grants for LG with conditions to access the facility.
  4. Matter related to LG finance.
  5. Poverty, population, lag in infrastructure and revenue base of LG are factors for formulating its recommendation.

Devolved Offices

List of devolved offices to Tehsil LG are shown in First Schedule read with Section -22 of LG (Amended) Act, 2013.

  1. Primary and Secondary Education 
  2. Social Welfare
  3. Sports and Youth Affairs
  4. Agriculture 
    1. Extension 
    2. Fisheries 
    3. Livestock and dairy development 
    4. On Farm water Management 
    5. Soil and water conservation 
  5. Population Welfare: 
  6. Municipal Services including water and sanitation
  7. Rural Development  
  8. Public Health Engineering 

Citizen Facilitation Centers

Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) with assistance of World Bank has established 27 CFC in NMDs of KP. This is a one stop shop with a long list of facilities to offer in due course of time for facilitating the residents of NMDs. Currently following services are available:

  • Issuance of CNIC: CNIC is unique 13-digit identification number recognized all over the country. It is the first requirement of individuals as it is mandatory to obtain documents like license, NTN, bank account, passport, cellular connection etc. Every citizen of Pakistan, 18 years and above, is eligible for CNIC. To get an CNIC following documents are required: 

1.Original National Identity Card of one parent
2.Birth Certificate
3.Any original document to prove the relation between applicant and his parent such as Child Registration Certificate (CRC), domicile, passport or matric certificate/marksheet.
4.Presence & attestation/verification of any one blood relative such as father, mother, brother, or sister

  • Birth, death, and divorce certificate
  • Registration and issuance of Birth Certificate
  • Registration and issuance of death certificate
  • Registration of Nikah
  • Registration and issuance of divorce certificate

Other Services Offered by Local Government Department

Livelihood Support Grants:

The provision of money to targeted households or communities, either as emergency relief to meet their basic needs for food and non-food items, or as a grant to buy assets essential for the recovery of their livelihoods. Currently, The Ehsas Program formerly Benazir Income Support Program is run by government and all citizen of Pakistan within specific criteria set in, are eligible to this type of grant if they fulfil the standard criteria for grant.  

Juvenile Card:
Juvenile card is an identity card issued to children under the age of 18 years. Child's parents or blood relative holding a valid National Identity Card (NIC) is required to be physically present for providing the biometrics to get the juvenile card. The card holder is entitled to certain facilities given by government to deserving children on need basis as per policy.

Children Cash Grant:
A grant is an amount of money that a government or other institution gives to an individual child for a particular purpose such as education or health improvements.

Role of District Administration

Deputy Commissioner is the principal representative of Provincial Government in a district. Provincial Government may provide guidelines and render advice for achieving the ends of the Government policy and for promoting economic, social, and environmental security through District Administration.

The Chairman of the tehsil local government shall coordinate where required with District Administration for district wide development and delivery of services under the Local Government amendment Act of 2019.

Role of Assistant Director Local Government

  • The Assistant Director, Local Government and Rural Development of each district is responsible for coordinating matters relating to secretarial functions of village and Neighbourhood councils.

  • The AD LG has the regulatory and administrative functions to ensure that all Village Council/Neighbourhood Councils in district perform their roles and functions within the policy framework of LG (amended) Act 2019.

  • AD is the principal accounting officer for all Village Council/Neighbourhood Councils and is responsible for the village level development works executed by these councils both financially and administratively. 

  • The office of the AD is corresponding between the Village Council/Neighbourhood Councils and any other office.


Role of Tehsil Municipal Officer

Tehsil Municipal Officer (TMO) is the Principal Accounting Officer of the Tehsil Municipal Administration (TMA) and is responsible to Tehsil Local Government/City Local Government. TMO main functions are:

  • For the purpose of budget allocation and execution, TMO is the Drawing and Disbursement Officer (DDO) for respective Tehsil Local Government/City Local Government
  • TMO is the secretary of the tehsil local council.
  • Monitoring of the budget execution through regular reviews of expenditure and revenue ensuring that funds are spent or realized as approved by the Tehsil Council.
  • Provide financial information and budgetary performance reports to Tehsil Council relating to TMA.
  • Overall quality assurance of the budget process and budget documents.
  • Mobilization of Tehsil Local Government/City Local Government resources in consultation with the Provincial Government.
  • More information regarding the role of TMO is available on the Local Government Elections and Rural Development Department website

Right to Information Act - 2013

KP Right to Information Act, 2013:

The right to know is a basic human nature and this desire has been one of the basic reasons of friction between the rulers and the ruled, throughout human history. The journey which, started, from Freedom of Information took almost a decade to become Right to Information during which Article 19-A was inserted into the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973 thus making it a Constitutional Right of every Citizen of Pakistan, post 18th amendment. The Provincial Government of KP deserves an honorable mention as it passed the KP Right to Information Act, back in 2013, which ranked 3rd in the global ranking. The right to Information act is playing important role in improving governance and is considered the most effective tool in ensuring transparency and access to information in the province of KP”. It ensures:

  • Implementation of Article 19-A of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973

  • Improve Governance

  • Reduce Corruption

  • Hold Govt Officials Accountable

  • It is essential that citizens shall have RTI to participate meaningfully in democratic process


Process for Right to Information:

Under the Act, any record or document which public offices hold in any form is declared a public record and citizens while using the specific provisions of the Act, can access the information through submission of an information request to respective department. After the promulgation of KPRTI Act, 2013 each department has designated Public Information Officer (PIO) who   is bound to entertain such requests received from public which help in promoting the culture of public disclosure of information. 


Right to Information Commission:

In case the PIO or department fails to provide relevant information to the applicant within stipulated period. The government has set up a Statutory Commission at provincial level with divisional set up for the ease of public, legal platform for redressal of their grievances regarding provision of public information.  As evident from picture below that complainant apply to Commission that the relevant department has failed to provide him /her information asked vide copy of the previous application. There after the Commission holds an enquiry for fact finding and issue directions to concerned department for provision of information to the applicant, within 60 days of his/her submission of application.


Right to Public Services Act -2014

KP Right to Public Services Act, 2014:

The Government of KP introduced as a part of good governance agenda in the province, KP Right to Public Services Act, 2014. The sole objective of this law was to improve public service delivery in the largest public interest. The law provides for:

  • Time bound delivery of public services to citizens.
  • Making government functionaries liable to penalty if they fail to provide services to citizens in a timely and transparent manner.
  • Compensation to citizens for not having received the desired service in the prescribe time limit.

Till this date, 41 Public services have been notified by the Commission which along with the stipulated time, designated officer and appellate authority are given below for the benefit of readers:


Right to Public Services Commission:

The Government of KP under the KP Right to Services Act, 2014 had established a statutory body headed by Chief Commissioner with two Commissioners along with supporting staff for ensuring that notified services are provided to the residents without fail and any hindrances.  The core functions of Commission are to, through office of District Monitoring Officers (DMOs) in each district, monitor administration of notified public services with focus on specified timelines, quality, and transparency. So far 41 basic services, sub services are notified. Range of services is quite broad and includes Revenue, health, security, domicile, licenses, and municipal services. Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners have been declared as Chairperson of Divisional and District Steering Committees, respectively.


How to submit Complaint to KP Services Commission:

Any eligible person who felt aggrieved by not getting specific public services within stipulated time from respective designated officer of the department have the option to write any appeal to the Chief Commissioner or District Monitoring Officer (DMO) in respective district by adopting following options. By Calling UAN No. 1800 for registering complaint or by clicking the website of Commission for submission of complaint. Even an email or written application can be submitted through Post to Chief Commissioner of KP Right to Service Commission, Chinar Road University Town Peshawar. KP Right to services official website is,

The applicant will only furnish copy of CNIC, Cell no and address for correspondence and to avoid control of frivolous complaints. In case of frivolous or bogus complaint, Commission has the authority to take action against fraudulent applicant.


Tribal Decades Strategy

After the historical merger of erstwhile FATA into KP, first measure undertaken by Government of KP was to have a detailed and widespread consultations, paving way to put in place a framework for bridging the gaps both in institutional set up and socioeconomic development of the region. Accordingly, a ten-year development strategy was designed known as Tribal Decades Strategy (2020-2030) was developed.  The Tribal Decade Strategy (TDS) 2020-2030 aims at redressing the imbalance to bring the tribal people at par with the rest of the country. TDS is supported through five pillar of the Development Pentad that forms the basic organizational principles of the developmental approach. The pentad is as follows:

  1. Building responsive and accountable institutions
  2. Enhancing human potential
  3. Expanding economic infrastructure
  4. Creating sustainable economic opportunities
  5. Instituting sustainable resource management

Prime Minister Citizen’s Portal

Pakistan Citizen’s Portal (PCP) is a government owned mobile application and is being used as a tool to promote citizen-centric and participatory governance. Which are basically complaints and grievance redressal mechanism with special emphasis on facilitation of overseas Pakistanis, women, special persons, and foreigners and public at large?  The primary objective of the portal is to provide citizens' an opportunity to seamlessly communicate with all government entities and have their issues resolved with priority, in accordance with the vision of the Government.

How to Use PCP App:

The app can be used after downloading it from website as following procedure:

  • Download and install the Pakistan Citizen's Portal app

  • Register yourself with your CNIC and mobile number

  • Receive verification SMS

  • Send your complaints and participate in public polling

This way aggrieved people can submit their complaint through app which is being monitored and people are well informed regarding resolution of the grievance at all steps.

