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The Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Local Government Elections and Rural Development Department, in compliance to the Right To Information Act-2013 and Article 19A of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, hereby proactively disclose the information in following format:

Category of Information


1.  Seniority Lists of LGE & RDD Staff 2015-16


2.  Minutes of DPC/Boards meetings 2015-16


3.  Minutes of the DSC meetings 2015-16


4.  Merit Lists prepared in 2015-16


5.  Recruited employees for the year 2015-16


6.  Service Rules for LGE & RDD employees


7.  Budget Estimates 2015-16


8.  Advertisements 2014-16


9. LGE & RDD sanctioned Strength


Proactive Disclosure of Information @ KP Local Government Department

Proactive Disclosure of Information relating to the KP Local Government Election and Rural Development Department (LGE&RDD) as required under Section 5 of the KP RTI Act, 2013

The following categories of information shall be duly published by KP Local Government Department in an up-to-date fashion and in a manner, which best ensures that they are accessible to those for whom they may be relevant, including over the Internet, subject to reasonable restrictions based on limited resources:


Section 5 of the KP RTI ACT, 2013

Relevance to the KP Local Government Department

5(a) Acts and subordinate legislation such as rules, regulations, notifications, bye-laws, manuals and orders having the force of law in the Province, including being made available at a reasonable price at an adequate number of outlets to ensure reasonable access by the public; KP Local Govt Act 2013

Rules & regulations



Office orders

5(b) Information about the public body, including its organization, functions, duties, powers and any services it provides to the public; About LGE&RDD

Functions of the LE&RDD

Powers of the LGE&RDD

District Government offices of the LGE&RDD

TMA Offices

VC/NC Offices

Local Governance School

5(c) A directory of its officers and employees, including a description of their powers and functions and their respective remunerations, perks and privileges; LGE&RDD organogram

Directory/seniority list of the LE&RDD employees

Distribution of work

Remuneration (other perks & privileges admissible to civil servants i.e. medical, house subsidy etc.)

5(d) Norms and criteria set by the public body for the discharge of its functions, including any rules, manuals or policies used by its employees to this end; Service rules

Summaries of the LGE&RDD currently being vetted/finalized by the law dept.

5(e) A description of its decision-making processes and any opportunities for the public to provide input into or be consulted about decisions; Description of decision making processes of the department
5(f) Relevant facts and background information relating to important policies and decisions which are being formulated or have been made and which affect the public; Complaints of citizens

Local government policies

Showcause notices

5(g) A detailed budget of the public body, including proposed and actual expenditures; Budget details, including proposed and actual expenditures
5(h) Details about any subsidy or benefit programmes operated by the public body, including details about the amount or benefits provided and the beneficiaries; Special programs of the department (like BRT) and other mega projects
5(i) Particulars of the recipients of concessions, permits, licenses or authorizations granted by the public body; List of Registered Housing Authorities

List of registered contractors

5(j) The categories of information held by the public body; Details about the total numbers of VC/NCs in the province

Details about information requests

5(k) A description of the manner in which requests for information may be made to the public body, including the name, title and contact details of all [Public Information Officers;] and RTI PIO Details (@ LGE&RDD department level, District, Tehsil and VC/NC level); forms; guides for requesters; RTI request process flowchart; RTI complaint process flowchart
5(l) Such other information as may be prescribed. 1. RTI request process flowchart
2. RTI complaint process flowchart
3. Contacts

Additionally, the provincial government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has recently issued guidelines for proactive disclosure of information under Section 5 of KP RTI Act, 2013. These guidelines mainly address the code of conduct for social media management including Facebook and twitter accounts of the public bodies. In this regard, the Performance Management and Reforms Unit (PMRU) in the office of chief secretary Khyber Pakhtunkhwa give orientation session to concerned IT staff of the public bodies.